If your family includes just two adults, it is sometimes less expensive for each of you to have individual coverage than for just one of you to have a family plan. If you have children, or if you might have children soon, you need a family plan. Because situations change, it is important to review your health insurance regularly with your agent.
Policies differ widely in coverage and cost. Your agent will shop various policies to find the best one for you. He will make sure the policy protects you from large medical costs and does not contain any hidden exclusions or stipulations that you do not understand at the outset.
There are several different types of individual health insurance. You can get fee-for-service, HMO or PPO plans, but you should know the differences and coverage limitations before making any purchase decision.
Different Types of Individual Health Insurance & Policies
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Health care costs are high and getting higher. Who will pay your bills if you have a serious accident or a major illness? With health insurance, you protect yourself and your family in case you need medical care that has the potential to be very expensive.
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Cost is not the only consideration when buying health insurance. It is difficult to determine exactly what you will spend per year on health care. You do not know whether you will be sick 6 months from now and need an operation. You also need to consider the benefits of each policy - compare plans carefully for both cost and coverage with your agent.
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